Arseny Braginsky
Sounds of Streets
About the project
The presented work is a sound canvas created from field recordings accumulated by the author in such countries as Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. Each of the recordings is musically similar sounds that can be heard on the streets: the noises of markets and train stations, madmen, street musicians, mosques, as well as the music of representatives of the rarest traditions performing on the streets of the Maghreb: gnava, zar and banga.
The world is more interesting than it seems. By exploring what is hidden in it, you gain much more freedom to realize your capabilities.
Having lost a place to return to, you find that you are free to walk the streets of any place in the world. And on each such street there is music and each sounds in its own way.
Being an open and free person, you absorb traditions that can start to conflict inside you and start to drive you crazy.
When you leave a place, you constantly lose something: people or special places. Only the growing pain and longing remain.
About the author
A musician, a music critic and a game designer. I specialize in the traditions and music of Africa and the Middle East, root blues and post-tradition.
I started my research path in the early 10s, when in the process of studying delta blues, I discovered an incomprehensible feeling in myself, whose nature I became interested in understanding. So I got to the roots of the root blues, growing from the trance cultures of Andalusia, the Maghreb and other parts of Africa. Since then, I have started making trips to these regions in order to further understand the nature of this music, learn how to perform it, and more clearly convey to the world about the nature of its existence.
After the war started, I switched to nomad mode. Having given up my permanent place of residence, I travel to various countries, look for representatives of rare and interesting traditions, listen to them, record them, and learn how to live in general, besides how I have always considered it normal.