Irca Solza
Bureaucracy of Miracle
About the project
Bureaucracy of Miracle (2014−2023) is a synthetic bureaucratic horror project dedicated to the spheres of human existence, for which sacred and bureaucratic discourses are fighting. War, death, money, power, law, art and even miracles, they are spoken about both in sermons and in regulations. At the same time, both discourses elude the existential dimension of these things, accessible only to a solitary person. The virtual presentation of this project is built using Pannellum Panorama Viewer by Matthew Petroff.
Bureaucracy of Miracle
About the author
An artist, a researcher, an art critic and a feminist from Siberia. Now I am living in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Since 2015, I have been a member of the Rech#port poetry community, an author and an editor of the poetic magazine Rech#port ( In 2018, I initiated the creation of the Siberian Archive of Contemporary Art ( and I am still engaged in the study of contemporary art in Siberia. A participant of philosophical seminars on contemporary philosophy (Deleuze, Derrida, Badiou, Delanda, etc.). In 2022, I gave a course of lectures "Introduction to the Philosophy of Art" (Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of Humanities, Novosibirsk, Russia). In 2023, I moved to Almaty.