Yuliya Pogodaeva
Declaration of Imagination Independence and Human Rights to Madness
About the project
To be free means to allow yourself to create as you want. Don’t care about any conventions and do whatever comes into your head. Dali was good at it. Of course, he first came up with something, and then implemented it. And he thought it was brilliant. That’s why I chose his texts for the performance to allow myself to be brilliant.
About the author
I moved a year ago from Moscow to Bishkek in wild delight that the theatrical sphere here is so virgin.
I have a piece of paper from GITIS confirming that I am a director. This is for those who need it. I myself have always been sure of this. My style is called eccentric shamanism.
In Moscow, I developed my theater project. We experimented with forms and formats: performance in the dark, performance-meditation, performance-transformation.
I expected that I would continue to do this in Bishkek, since there are few theatrical events here and it will be in demand, but I was disappointed. There are few of them here, because it is not in demand.
Now I am applying for grants to continue somewhere else.